Thursday, November 15, 2018
The soul doctor or doctor O.
London Bridge
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
More than just laying in my pjs in bed, crying about how miserable life is and how God has no mercy and He gives us something just to take it back later and rub in in our face.
Yes, I miss those days when my only problems were if I should cuddle with you all day or should I bake you a friggin cake. And I miss those mornings in your arms in your small apartment at the sea side. The sea breeze coming through the window and the sun light on your cocoa butter skin.
And honey, do you remember those so called fights that we used to have about who's funnier than who? Or those nagging nights when you used to come back home late and I was expecting you in the middle of the bed with my baby lip and you were all worried why am I crying? And those warm kisses after your long trips... And those trips, the magnificent view of the Indian Ocean just right outside our window. Oh God, I've seen Heaven on Earth with you!
And I miss the lavender smell that surrounded us in that small bedroom that we had in Paris.
But the most important and painful thing that I miss is your voice and your touch; the whole you when you were with me.
I still wonder what if I said "yes" and we were a family, I was yours for life and you were still mine?
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Monday, September 10, 2012
1. O sa incep lucrul curand.. mor de bucurie, sunt in extaz.
2. Ma bucur ca a inceput sa infloreasca din nou dorinta aia de a avea pe cineva aproape.
3. Imi place sa ma iau de tine.
4. Facultatea ma omoara.
5. Maine am 2 examene, wish me luck.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Criza existentiala
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Where I stood
You meant more to me than anyone I ever loved at all
But you taught me how to trust myself and so I say to you
This is what I have to do
Friday, December 30, 2011
Incerci sa uiti, sa eviti, sa nu mai plangi.. doar sa razi.. sa razi cu un zambet care de fapt nu-ti apartine. Un zambet care vrea doar sa-ti mascheze frustrarile, ranile adanci din suflet. Cu cat razi mai mult, cu atat ranile sangereaza mai puternic.
Esti tare, dar cand il privesti parca te loveste si-ti opreste respiratia.Peste tot se aseaza praful greu al linistii.. tu esti obligat sa-l inhalezi.Si deodata se ridica.. Un mesaj, apoi un telefon, o intalnire, un pahar in plus. O seara de neuitat. O seara ca inainte.
Apoi iar liniste. Zilele trec repede si incerci sa-ti revii.Iar primesti un mesaj.. un mesaj cum iti dadea inainte. Tu te grabesti sa raspunzi.... si nu-i mai vine niciun reply.Te ascunzi sub plapuma.. iti strangi genunchii la piept si cu lacrimi amare iti intinzi rimelul.
Ramai insemnata de iubiri trecute...
The soul doctor or doctor O.
So I’ve promised I’m gonna tell you more about my life, the difference between love and lust and being just there, stuck right in betwe...
So I’ve promised I’m gonna tell you more about my life, the difference between love and lust and being just there, stuck right in betwe...
I have been searching peace for the last couple of weeks. I'm trying to forgive and forget, to move on, to find something better for my ...